How Ashna Sharma is Destigmatizing Mental Health

2 min readJun 1, 2020

Instagram and other social media platforms can be a source for a lot of negativity, self-doubt, and comparison. This is especially true when dealing with depression and anxiety. Photo after photo of everyone’s “highlight” reel can make your already negative self-worth feel even worse. This is no fault of anyone posting on social media, but rather the inner workings. It feels like everyone is having the time of their lives, looks great, has an amazing career and the list goes on. And although your more rational self realizes that’s not all true, it can still feel like you’re not doing as well as everyone else.

When you’re struggling with anxiety and/or depression, it’s incredibly refreshing to find Instagram “influencers” on your feed that keep it real. Ones who share their own struggles with mental heal, self-worth, or just the struggles of everyday life. They make you realize that everyone has their own story and their own internal battles.

A post on Ashna’s feed which says a lot and is much more than just a picture

A Youth Influencer on Instagram, Ashna Sharma is doing a tremendous job promoting Self-love and Mental Health. These days not many people talk about these things. Being an Influencer is a responsible job- There are many people that are looking up to you. Most Influencers are focused over gaining followers and promoting products, we don’t oppose them but there are some responsibilities that influencers have.

The meteoric rise of social media was always going to come with unintended consequences. These platforms have changed the way people live, so it is no stretch to consider that they also change the way people think — especially when one considers this alongside the power of imagery.

